Take the First Steps to a Better You

Upgrade Your Thoughts, Upgrade Your Life


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Upgrade negative thoughts to feel better immediately and produce better actions, better results.

This is easier said than done, because our ancient brains are programmed with negativity bias.  That is, our brains contain five times as many neural processes for negative thinking vs. positive.  At one point in our evolutionary history this kept us safe, but now it creates stress, illness, weight-gain, and keeps us from persevering through our challenges and taking smart risks. The good news is that we can change our default programming.


In this self paced video course you will learn:


  • The simple thought upgrade model I call STEAR that will help you steer yourself  out of ruts, feel better instantly, and get back on the path to success. 
  • How to feel more ease in ANY relationship.
  • How to say ‘no’ with grace, not guilt, so you improve your reputation and results and make time in your day. 


Join me and learn these vital skills that will upgrade your thoughts, feelings, and your results in life.

It’s time to upgrade your brain and set your potential free.

"I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

~Thomas Edison (master thought-upgrader and perseverer)


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Upgrade Your Thoughts

Learn how to use a simple model to recognize and upgrade limiting, painful thoughts so you feel relief, clarity, and more control to act in your best interest.

Upgrade Your Habits

Learn why it’s so hard to change habits and how to avoid the common mistakes we all make when setting goals and trying to achieve them. Learn the simple steps you must follow if you want to make positive changes.

Upgrade Your Relationships

Learn the true reason we have friction in relationships and become a master of your thoughts and emotions, no matter what others do and say. 

Bonus: Learn to say no with grace to anyone, so you improve your relationships, reputation, and results. 

"The STEAR method was invaluable to me! Recognizing that my story was a story, and that I could change it was empowering. The model helped me feel better immediately and see clearly what I needed to do to create a path to a positive outcome. The result of the exerciseā€”the "upgraded" thoughtā€”created a real shift. What had felt like a negative experience became a feeling of empowered choice!"

"Her tools are simple to understand, and yet you feel the work being done when you go through the process of engaging with them. She provided a safe place for us to explore our challenges in work or life. No matter what your challenge may be-- she will help you find a different way to look at things so that you are living your life brilliantly.""

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